Maker Faire Trieste 2023
Lorenzo De Luca ·
This year Maker Faire Trieste is over. The 2023 edition is the 10th anniversary edition and the delucalabs participated with 3 projects and 5 makers.
The projects we presented at the faire are:
- M-33: Cromalight RGB LED Guitar e Nixie clocks
- M-37: The ultimate maker's toolbox
- M-38: Time & frequency syncing demo with atomic clock and GPS receiver
Our makers presenting at the Delucalabs stand were me, Leonardo Marcato, Giosuè Iaccarino, Marco De Luca and Michele De Luca.
As always, the Maker Faire was an exiting event, first of all for meeting makers and friends and sharing ideas and projects tips, but also for talking with the audience, explaining our projects and get feedbacks.
The attendees were very interested and asked us a lot of questions.
We have also received the second place of the “Maker of Merit” prize for our project “Time & frequency syncing demo with atomic clock and GPS receiver”. This prize is very coveted because all the project at an event like this are very good and the competition is high.
The jury was a group composed by specialist of physics and technology, and during the award ceremony we were given our prize by the founder of Arduino: Massimo Banzi.
Before the end of this post we want to thank the organizers and staff of Trieste Maker Faire, for letting us come and show our projects to the public. From our first presence in the stand of Fablab Belluno in 2017 we are happy to be a part of this amazing event. Thanks a lot.
Here below we are putting some photo and some links to videos of the event, our interview with the Event TV and the award ceremony.